Dealing With Minor Collision Damage Without The Cost Of Paint: 3 Tips To Help Deal With Auto Repairs

When small accidents cause dents and dings on your vehicle, you want to repair the damage, but you may not want to pay for a complete paint job. There are options for repairing the damage without spending thousands on a new coat of paint. The following tips will help you with the repairs your car needs to deal with collision damage without damaging the paint: 

Collision Damage and Inspecting It to See If Paintless Repairs Can Be Done  

Before you can have the paintless dent repair done, you will want to meet with a PDR technician. Talk with them about the damage that needs to be repaired and whether it is possible to fix the damage without painting. You may also need to have other repairs done and touch-up damaged paint for some of the repairs that need to be done. Talk with the repair service about possibilities to repair some damaged areas without paint and buffing areas that have been touched up to blend them in with the original paint of your car.  

Talking to A Repair Service About the Type of Repairs That You Need to Have Done  

Depending on how severe the damage is, there may be more work involved repairing the damage. For small dings in doors, you may only need a small repair that can be done in under an hour, while more severe damage that requires removing door panels could take several hours. Talk with the dentless repair technician about the type of repairs you need, the amount of time it will take to complete them, and the estimated cost of the repairs your car needs. In addition, take into account additional repairs that may add to the cost of getting your car's collision repairs completed.  

Replacing, Cleaning, and Restoring Auto Body Trim and Details Without A Drop of Paint  

Dentless repairs may also include removing, cleaning, and restoring exterior trim, badges, and other parts that do not have paint. Look at your car's damage and the trim in these areas to see if it is damage. Sometimes, removing and polishing the trim components will make them look like new so that they can be reinstalled to complete the repairs. Often, trim parts and badges will be cracked and damaged beyond repair, which means that the best option to complete the repairs to the damage is to completely replace them.  

These are some tips to help you deal with minor collision damage without spending money on a new paint job. If you need help with repairing your car after minor damage, contact a paintless dent repair service for help removing the dents and dings without damaging the paint.  
